Zero-G Mac OS


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  2. Zero G Massage Chair
  3. Zero-g Mac Os Catalina

Welcome to my little site.

For the Hybrid Synths Zero-G have sampled many hundreds of organic sources, acoustic instruments and hardware synths to create over 1200 ready to use presets. Ethera Gold 2.5 includes a collection of awesome vocals, hybrid instruments, epic hits, bass synths, organic sounds, violin textures, tribal percussion, hybrid brass, drum loops and much. OUTER LIMITS is a ZERO-G/XFONIC virtual instrument powered by Native Instruments Kompakt and featuring a massive FOUR GIGABYTE core library of more than five hundred unique soundscapes. It is a journey through dreams and nightmares, full of sounds beyond your imagination.

About Me

Hello! Sisters in hotel: episode 2 mac os.

My name is Hauke Dämpfling, I'm from Berlin, Germany, and I speak both English and German.I'm a software developer who studied electrical and computer engineering, andmy main areas of interest are Perl, Java, HTML/CSS/JavaScript/CGI, C for small microcontrollers, andembedded systems. Over the years I've worked with many other technologies.I like open source software, andyou can find more about me on my work page.

-- Hauke D

  • 👨‍💻
  • 🇩🇪🇺🇸
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Dex Vocaloid4 Library - MacOS version by Zero-G is Soundware (e.g. Samples or presets that load into other products) for macOS. OUTER LIMITS is a ZERO-G/XFONIC virtual instrument powered by Native Instruments Kompakt and featuring a massive FOUR GIGABYTE core library of more than five hundred unique soundscapes. It is a journey through dreams and nightmares, full of sounds beyond your imagination. Zero G is the leading provider of software deployment and delivery solutions for multiple platforms and technologies, including Windows Installer and the Windows.NET Framework, Linux, UNIX.


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  • Software Development (including Open Source)
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Webdesign
  • Teaching and Tutoring
  • Team Management

Résumé (abridged)

1998 - 2010Freelance Software DeveloperVarious Employers
2001 - 2006Bachelor and Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Worcester, MA, USA
2005 - 2008Research Assistant / Research Associate (2007-2008) in the Embedded Computer Systems Laboratory on the project 'Precision Personnel Locator' at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Worcester, MA, USA
2010 - 2012Electrical Engineer in the group 'Sensor Technology Research and Development', DILAX Intelcom GmbH, Berlin, Germany
since 2012Technical Staff at the Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB), Berlin, Germany
Zero-g mac os update


Professional Experience

  • Many years of freelance software development (since 1998) and electrical & computer engineering (since 2005), in teams and as individual projects
  • Ability to rapidly learn new software packages, programming languages and operating environments
  • Management Experience: Involvement in various organizations and activities; have held several different positions, such as President or Treasurer, in student organizations of over 300 members (since 1995)
  • Tutoring and teaching at various levels (since 2001)

Computer Skills

  • Programming Languages: Java, Perl, C, C++, C#, Assembly, and many more
  • Operating Systems: Linux, UNIX, all flavors of Microsoft OSes, Mac OS X
  • Web Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSON, XML, CGI (mainly Perl)
  • Databases: Various database technologies, including SQL, MySQL and some Access and Oracle
  • Network Services: Webservers, Fileservers, Proxies, and some Routing/Firewalling, EMail servers, etc.
  • Networking: Knowledge of TCP/IP, 802.11, HTTP, FTP, SMTP, etc., including VoIP (SIP, RTP, etc.)
  • Office Packages: Microsoft Office Suite, OpenOffice/LibreOffice, various graphics software
  • Hardware: PCs and components, basic networking: various switches, routers, etc.

Electrical and Computer Engineering Skills

  • Digital Design: Logic Design, FPGAs (esp. Xilinx), VHDL, some Verilog
  • Embedded Systems: Microprocessors (e.g. TI MSP430, Microchip PIC), Raspberry Pi, Interfaces (I²C, SPI, etc.), Firmware programming (including Real-Time), various wireless protocols
  • Design Implementation: Circuit Design, Schematic Entry, Layout, BOMs/PCB/parts ordering, testing, including various software packages for these tasks

One of several embedded systems I worked on.


Here are a few good places I go..

  • Heise 🇩🇪
  • Tagesspiegel 🇩🇪
  • Tagesschau 🇩🇪

Other than these pages, there's a bit more of my stuff hidden on and elsewhere:

  • JFKS Abiklasse 2001 🇩🇪

Fun Quote

A fun quote from my huge collection!
(Disclaimer: The views expressed therein are not necessarily mine.)


I can be reached at

I do not send spam! If you get spam from any email address, the address was faked.

I use spam-filtering software, and as is the case with any such software, it may filter out legitimate messages once in a while.

To ensure that your message gets through, do not send me messages containing obvious 'spam' things such as the words'Viagra' or 'mortgage', or things like HTML messages containing only an image and not much text.

If you still think your message is not getting to me, please use the following address, which does not include any spam filters,but this address is subject to change once in a while, so check back on this page regularly if you use it.If you send email to this address, you should receive an automatic response informing you that your message has been received by my server.


Copyright Info

All graphics, texts, and designs located at the domain areCopyright © 2018 Hauke Dämpfling (except where mentioned).All Rights Reserved.

All company, product, brand names, and logos are property of their respective owners.

Disclaimer: I cannot be held responsible for incorrect informations or links on this site,and the results, direct or indirect, of the use or misuse of the informations on these pages.Also, I am in no way responsible for the content of the pages that I link to from this site.(See also the imprint, in German.)

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, just send me an EMail!

By the way..

And this page plays nice with text-only browsers and browsers with JavaScript disabled.


Wichtiger Hinweis: Diese Webseite dient ausschließlich privaten Zwecken.



Hauke Dämpfling

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Zero-g Mac Os Download

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Virtual singers to your music production

VOCALOID5 has 4 voicebanks (Japanese/English), over 1000 vocal phrases and over 1000 audio samples.
You can use the singing voice quickly and customize your own vocal.


USD 225.23( before tax )

USD 360.36( before tax )

* Users who own a previous VOCALOID Editor product can purchase VOCALOID5 at a special upgrade price.

4 voicebanks
( English ・ Japanese )

Amy , Chris , Kaori , Ken

8 voicebanks
( English , Japanese )

Amy , Chris , Kaori , Ken , CYBER DIVA II , CYBER SONGMAN II , VY1 , VY2

more than 2000 preset phrases
( 1000+ vocal phrases and 1000+ audio samples )
more than 100 preset singing styles
11audio effects


compatible with

see more details

* This product is available as a download. A physical product will not be shipped.
* Click the 'Go to Cart' button to go to the shopping cart screen at the Share-it web site operated by Digital River GmbH. Complete the payment procedure in the Share-it web site.
* Click the 'Go to Cart' button and proceed to the payment procedure only if you agree to the Terms of Use.

Zero G Massage Chair

Comparison Table




OS compatibilityWindows / Mac
・Windows: Windows 8.1, Windows 10 (all 64-bit only, with the latest Windows Update applied)
・Mac: OS X 10.11 (El Capitan), macOS 10.12 (Sierra),
macOS 10.13 (High Sierra), macOS 10.14 (Mojave), macOS 10.15 (Catalina) (all 64-bit only, VOCALOID5 Ver. 5.4.1 or later required for use with macOS 10.15)
Windows (VOCALOID4 Editor for Cubase: Windows/Mac)
VST compatibilityCompatible (VST2)Not compatible
AU (Audio Units) CompatibilityCompatibleNot compatible
No. of voices included4 (Amy, Chris, Kaori, Ken)8 (Amy, Chris, Kaori, Ken, CYBER SONGMAN II, CYBER DIVA II, VY1, VY2)None (sold separately)
No. of phrases included (media function)1000 (extra material downloadable)None
No. of audio samples included (media function)1000 (extra material downloadable)None
No. of style presets included (style function)100 (extra material downloadable)None
Compatible voice banksVOCALOID 5 / 4 / 3VOCALOID 4 / 3 / 2
Readable audio file formatsFormat: WAV format (stereo/mono)
Sampling rates: 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 96 kHz, 192 kHz
No. of quantizer bits: 8-bit, 16-bit, 24-bit, 32-bit float
Format: WAV format (stereo/mono)
Sampling rates: 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 96 kHz
No. of quantizer bits: 16-bit
File export formatVPRVSQX
Audio effects11 types built-in2 types built-in
Control parameters13 types12 types
Attack release effects36 types of attack effects & 41 types of release effects includedNone
Emotion toolIncludedNot included
Audio editing functionsYes (pitch shift, time stretch, reverse, normalize)None
AutomationVolume, pan potsNone
Real-time input of VOCALOID tracks by connecting an external MIDI deviceSupported'Not supported*
* VOCALOID4 Editor for Cubase supports this'
Supported audio devicesWindows : ASIO, DirectSound
Mac : Core Audio
Maximum no. of bars999999
Maximum no. of tracks32 (total of VOCALOID tracks & audio tracks)16 VOCALOID tracks, 1 monaural audio track, 1 stereo audio track
Minimum resolution (bit per quarter note)1/480 of a quarter note1/480 of a quarter note
Accompanying softwareVOCALOID4.5 Editor for CubaseNone
* VOCALOID4 Editor for Cubase (normal version) comes with Cubase AI download code'
VOCALOID Job plug-in functionNot supportedSupported
ReWire (β function)YesNo

System Requirements

OS compatibilityWindows: Windows 8.1, Windows 10 (all 64-bit only, with the latest Windows Update applied.)
· Mac: OSX 10.11 (El Capitan), macOS 10.12 (Sierra), macOS 10.13 (High Sierra), macOS 10.14 (Mojave), macOS 10.15 (Catalina) (all 64-bit only, VOCALOID5 Ver. 5.4.1 or later required for use with macOS 10.15)
* VOCALOID5 cannot be used in a 32-bit environment.
CPUIntel multicore processor
Memory requirementAt least 8 GB recommended (minimum 4 GB)
Free disk space・Standard: At least 20 GB
・Premium: At least 35 GB
OtherAudio device, Internet connection (authentication, deauthentication, software updates, etc.)
Monitor size· Minimum operating environment: 1366 x 768
· Recommended environment: 1920 x 1080

Zero-g Mac Os Catalina

The requirements listed above are the operating requirements for standalone use.
When used as a VST/AU together with a DAW, the operating requirements of the DAW must also be met at the same time.Caesars casino mobile app.